Identify the Bible Character who you are? Was the first notification I have found as I signed into my FB account yesterday. The Gospel of the day portrays four Bible characters for our reflection and to spot to which our personalities are road to. Herod a self proclaimed king is the first character who had given a wrong promise. His promise was off beam because he was not a king but a ruler of ¼ of the great Herod. The second personality is Herodias a woman with full of grudge to kill a righteous and a holy man who was against her immoral notions. Salome as per the Bible Scholars a 12year girl is the third individual who was a mere extension of her mother’s revenge. The fourth character is St. John the Baptist. Promoter a piquant concept that is used in business and company realms, I would like to link the personality of John the Baptist with the traits of a promoter. The task of a promoter is to take all the necessary steps to create and mold an organization and set it going. Yes St. John the Baptist was the promoter of Jesus’ company named The Kingdom of God and ‘The Beatitudes’ as its brand uniqueness. The promoter abides by the mission and vision of the organization and finds the capital for its long run. Righteousness was the objective and holiness as the spiritual capital that St. John the Baptist had as he promoted the Jesus’ company. Promoter’s existence becomes paler when the Board of Directors is legally formed. St. John the Baptist was really an advertiser in its fullness and that is expounded in the Gospel of John 3: 30 where he says, “He must increase and I must decrease.” Our call as religious is to be the promoters of Jesus Company. The epistle today 2nd letter to Timothy 2: 8 accentuate the idea by stating “Jesus Christ rose from the dead and that is my Gospel for which I suffer hardship and being chained like a criminal.” The best paradigm for the promoter of Jesus’ Company before us is our Founder St. Kuriakose Elias who had the spiritual capital of Baptismal innocence and the vision of Prayer and love for the people of God. Let us have an introspection to ourselves throughout the whole day asking am I a promoter of Jesus’ company by proclaiming and living the word of God. The slogan by Mike Murdock written in his book titled “The Leadership secrets of Jesus” be our hushed mantra “Make decisions that will create the future you desire.”
Let us close our eyes for a while and
pray, God our heavenly Father, we thank you, praise you and adore you for
giving us the chance to be on the shore of blessed Sacrament in this beautiful
morning. Shower your blessings on us to
be the promoters of your company by our Thoughts, Words and Deeds, Amen.
Jithin Kalan CMI
Jithin Kalan CMI